left to right) – 2 skeins C*EYE*BER Fiber sock in Winter Tundra, Blue Moon Silkie in Tide Pool, and Handmaiden lace silk in Woodland
These lovely boxes are awaiting their lucky winners here.
So head on over and support Claudia's ride. You'll be glad you did!
So what do you all think of the new header? Sunflowers are my personal favorite. Have been ever since I saw the movie Calendar Girls. (The line under the picture comes from that movie.) As I grow older and creakier (Seriously! When I move my back it sounds like one of those old horror movie doors behind which Dracula or the mummy is hiding! C-R-E-A-K!!! Did I sign on for this? I don't remember signing on for this. But then the memory ain't what she used to be either. Sigh!)
Where was I? Oh yes. As I grow older and creakier, the sunflowers help me to remember the richness of my life at 50 - my new career as a writer, my fresh calling to ministry, my rejuvenated relationship with my husband now that the kids are (almost) gone, my wonderful friends, my sophisticated palate (no Twinkies allowed,) and the manifold blessings of God's beautiful world, laid out in all their splendour before me on a daily basis. Whew! That's a lot of gratitude for one sentence. My editor would pitch a fit!
I turn my face to the sun (figuratively speaking - spf 30 - hello?!?) every chance I get. Even when it's raining.
The Creator has truly blessed me as I enter into my 50's, so there's a lot of sun out there. Think I'll go catch me some rays. why don't you do likewise!
The biggest reason I can't catch rays today is that it's RAINING! We are so thankful for a day (it might actually end up to be TWO days) rain as it has been a hot dry spring.
You are very generous. Knitters, as a rule, are very generous and caring people.
I'm a few years older than you...counting your blessing is a good way (perhaps the only way) to stay positive as our bodies change. Sigh...
I love the sunflowers both your picture and the metaphorical sunflower - it's a very positive image - always looking for the bright side of life (to mis-quote Monty Python).
So if that's what the lucky winners can knit with, what are you knitting at the moment?
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