“Life is a lot like jazz...
- George Gershwin
another aperitif (quick knit)
20 in wide by 72 in long (blocked hard - less if you desire a cushier wrap)
4 1/2 skeins (675 yd) MALABRIGO Silky Merino or other dk weight yarn size 6 (US) needles
5 stitches = 1 inch (stockinette)
advanced beginner
No cabling - just simple decreases and yarnovers
written directions - no chart reading
easily memorized sixteen stitch repeat
$4 (cheap a great value) over on the sidebar
You know, I try not to play favorites.another aperitif (quick knit)
20 in wide by 72 in long (blocked hard - less if you desire a cushier wrap)
4 1/2 skeins (675 yd) MALABRIGO Silky Merino or other dk weight yarn size 6 (US) needles
5 stitches = 1 inch (stockinette)
advanced beginner
No cabling - just simple decreases and yarnovers
written directions - no chart reading
easily memorized sixteen stitch repeat
$4 (
- Summer is great, but I do love a fresh snowfall...
- Chocolate is king, but strawberry ice cream comes close...
- Number One Son is such a special young man, but Baby Boy tugs at my heart too...
- Knitting makes my heart beat faster, but it's hard to beat an afternoon on the porch with a good book...
- Deep meaning is great, but sometimes I just want a good laugh...
But I have to tell you...
I LOVE this yarn.
What on earth took me so long?
If one project is good, two is better, right?
What about three?
Yet, when left to its own devices, as in the above pictures, the silky merino shows more of its wooly nature: soft, deep, and showing off your textural stitches to advantage.
So you have a decision to make: Do you want a flatter, finer lacy stole? Block hard. Or is a warm woolly rib more to your liking? Block softly.
It's two...two...two yarns in one...
This pale aqua scarf ( soon to be joined by a sibling hat) in the previous picture doesn't have a name yet; I wanted to call it Arabesque, but there are already three pages of patterns on Ravelry with that name.
Then I thought I'd name it for an ice skating move, since the pale aqua (actual color: mint frappe) looks icy and the curving lines that the stitches form reminds me of the old school figures, which international competition used to require. But "school figure" is sort of a clunky name for such a graceful pattern, and "salchow" isn't much better.
Wait a minute...
I just had a great idea for a contest!
Help me name this pattern. Leave me a suggestion in the comments and I will send the pattern out for free, when it comes out in a week or two, to the top three entries (as determined by me - sorry, this is not a democracy; it is a benevolent dictatorship.)
And just to sweeten the pot, if you have the top entry, I will also include a Poinsettia scarf pattern, which is otherwise only available exclusively to those who purchase the entire Garden Variety Collection.
I am notoriously bad at shipping things. Ask anyone. I put the "pro" in procrastinate. But even I can manage to send an email.
I think...
I'm having such fun designing quick aperitif projects that spotlight this extraordinary fiber. Lots of goodies under my Christmas tree this year.
If you haven't tried it yet, you really should!
And a little bird tells me Yarnzilla is unpacking a brand new shipment of silky merino goodness, even as we
What are you waiting for?
But leave me a comment first...
How about Go Figure!
Ooh, I like that!
Compulsory Figures
Beautiful work! I love the lace with the Silky.
How about Pendula?
Ice dancing.
How about Mazurka? According to Wikipedia, in ice skating, a Mazurka is "a one-half rotation jump with a toe loop entrance and scissor leg action in the air."
Ethereal. (Because it doesn't have a name so it could be anything? I don't know... ^^;)
Just a thought--Icicle Wonderland.
Such beauty!
My suggestion is Mozarab. It basically means it looks Arabic, but it's not quite. Short, sweet, to the point, and similar in meaning to your original idea.
Skating Scallops
Frozen Delight
Ice Twizzle
Aquamarine for the color and the water imagery.
Winter Solstice... when it's deep into winter with leaves and snowflakes swirling about like skaters on a pond :-)
You guys are so creative!
I am going to have a VERY hard time choosing one...
I think it looks like windows or doors in a beautiful medieval castle or city. I would call it Carcassonne - which is a very cool medieval city/castle in France.
These are all so good, I don't think I've got a prayer. Just in case I'm wrong, however, going in a totally different direction: Bohemian Rhapsody.
Graceful Dancer or Dance of Grace....just looks elegant.....ok...Touch of Grace....Gotta get those needles to go Mach 1....
I would go in a different direction, also -- O'Keeffe. The motif reminds me of paintings by Georgia O'Keeffe.
...and I see Canna lilies
AnDy in Maine
It reminds me of the fancy pattern on the linens in the Queen's budoir when I visited Versailles in France, so my choice for a name would be "Versailles".
Just thought of another possibility... I've already posted one... don't know if it's okay to post again but here goes... "Winter Dreams", after
Tchaikovsky's Symphony #1.
I like the suggestions above, and I have a couple more to add:
The Arena Scarf (or wrap or shawl)
It does seem to fit with the color and the concept, and it reminds that we do wear these things to be warm.
The Outside Edge
I love those wide, graceful glides on the outside edge. Have fun with this one!
Such a beautiful design! My ideas
Jewel Frost
Glacial Ice
Wintry Glaze
All the names given so far inspire beautiful thoughts, wish I was a lace designer.
Winter's Tale.
Rambling rosebuds (I think they look like flowers budding).
Through the looking glass.
Wow. First, a really great scarf, then all those great name choices. I feel a bit intimidated. I'm also in love with Sily Malabrigo at the moment...working a scarf in Cloudy Sky. I like the name Isle of Skye for your scarf. Hope you do too!
Hmmm, it's gorgeous! i was slow at finding that yarn as well and just recently picked up a skein but have yet to knit it up yet. How about : Winterfest Popsicles also comes to mind...i keep seeing those popsicles on double sticks in the design!
That Close-up reminds me of A Calla Lilly so I vote "Calla" :)
Always nice to see a good Silky-merino design crop up!!
I can't help but think of the movie: The Cutting Edge. And while I like Cutting Edge, it seems too "sharp" to me. But they often said "Toe Pick" in the movie. How about Toe Pick?
Or winter wonderland. Another interesting image.
Get outta here with your beautiful stoles...don't you know I have christmas knitting to do?
Now I have to put my knitting down and go comb through the shop and steal some silky wool...thanks a lot!
Icing Figures (maybe, lol)
It really reminds me of "over the river and through the woods" with the long meandering runs and the bobbles like trees...but I guess that'd be too long! So, how about:
River and Woods
I've been looking at it trying to figure out what it reminds me of and I just realized...Lupine!
This is the way the petals form. I love them.
How about Cala Lily?
The shapes reminded me of Bluebells - you know, those little flowers? I'd call it that. But if you want to stick with the ice theme, how about Silver Bells?
It reminds my of my childhood and a fairy-tale I loved very much. It is "Die Schneekönigin" by Hans Christian Andersen. This might be "Snow Queen" in English. So my suggestion for a name for the scarf is "Snow Queen on a Christmas Lake".
Do you remember the exquisite Protopopovs? Why not call it Protopopov, since it's icy and exquisite.
What about
" The Blues "
love from the Netherlands,
This may be overused but what about Pas de deux for the two characteristics of the yarn, keeping the spirit of Arabesque. Lovely scarf!
I vote for Calla Lily Arranged.
How about "Souls Veil"
I like Ice Forest. The pattern is vaguely leaf shaped and the blue color reminds me of snow/ice with the sun rising behind it early in the morning. It is beautiful. You did it again.
My Favorite Things!
Be Still
Sinuous Beauty?
Ice in Motion?
Ice Drops of Winter?
When you look at it from a distance it looks like snowflakes coming down so I would call it snowflakes or even snowstorm.
My suggestion is Ice Dance. I haven't checked to see if anyone else has suggested this so it may be a repeat!
Beautiful colours...love the blues.
The detail in the middle of each reminds me, alternately, of a seahorse or a g clef. So I would call it either Seahorse or Symphony.
French wall paper
Horseshoe crab (Maryland vacation?)
Bathroom Tiles from the alhambra
Arc d'ogive
Cordoba sky
Thanks for the fun Sue
XXO -- LaBou
To me the pattern looks like candle flames, so I thought Luminaria would be a good name. If that seems too close to Laminaria (a popular pattern on Ravelry) you could use Farolito, which means the same thing.
How 'bout Proserpine (or Proserpina, or Persephone) from Dante Gabriel Rossetti's painting?
the train of thought that led me there was the arabesque to art nouveau to Alfonse Munch then to the pre-Raphaelites.....then to Persephone/Proserpine, signifying winter, which ties in with the icy blue.....
Well, someone already made my suggestion. But I'll put in another vote!
Ice Dance or Ice Dancing
Google is functioning for me? I think it should be Dutch Waltz for the dance that pairs do. Forward steps only can be used.
Ann Marie
I would like to put my vote in for Damhsa. It means dance in Gaelic.
When I read Figure Skating I thought about Dorothy Hamill, so...
1) Dorothy
2) Ice Capades
3) Firefly Frappe
Cathedral Window
Daylight. It reminds me of the little patches of light that shine through the church windows.
Hi, I've never seen them but the pattern looks a little like pics I've seen of frost flowers and since there's a BW stitch by that name how about ice flowers...or ice blossom...or artic flower? I was also reminded of an Emily Dickinson poem...
As if some little Arctic flower
Upon the polar hem --
Went wandering down the Latitudes
and ended up a pretty scarf! Hah, added that last line in! Thanks for such beautiful patterns.
Hello Susan,
your're right: The color and pattern reminds of ice-scating.
what about:
"Magic on Ice"
You know, if you want to make a series, then this second scarf/wrap could be called "Second Movement" or something... to play off the jazz theme.
The pattern reminds me of Snowdrops. Those gorgeous little white flowers that pop up just before spring!
Because the curves and points remind me of the beautiful Persian-inspired architecture of Olana House, http://www.olana.org/,the Hudson Valley home of artist Frederic Church, I submit "Olana." There are also amazing colors in the home, and shades of blue and orange abound.
1) Angel Blue Aura
2) Blue Gem
3) Aqua Regia
4) Ice Spiral
5) Angel Blue Gem
6) Supple Spiral Swizzle
7) Supple Swizzle
8) Spiral Swizzle
9) Aqua Ripple
10) Calm Aqua
11) Calm Blue Yonder
12) Blue Yonder
13) Ribbon Azure
14) Supple Sky Spin
15) Blue Pearl Cluster
16) Ice Pearl
17) Royal Ice Ripple
18) Ice Ripple
19) Aqua Twizzle
20) Bonnie Blae
21) Bonnie Blue
22) Blue Aqua Ruffle
23) Aqua Ruffle
24) Cool Calm
25) Cool Ribbon Spiral
26) Glory Blue
27) Ocean Calm
28) Angel Glide
29) Carolina Blue
30) Maya Blue
My one and only suggestion is Ice Water Scarf.
Thanks for the contest.
Best wishes to the winner.
Winter Bells (because the pattern kinda reminds me of the bottom of a bell)
My first impression is of snowdrops, so I'd name it that, "Snowdrops"
How about "Seashells".
"raindrops on roses" if it were done in pink but since it's not I might have to go with the Gershwin theme you put forth with your quote with Jazzed Up and say "Rhapsody in Blue"
Blueberry Hills.... like the Fats Domino song. (Sorry, the bobbles made me say it.)
It reminds me of scrolling music with a beautiful pattern, so why not
'Cascading Bells'
or for the winter/skating theme
'Frost Panes'
I love the pattern and I adore lace knitted in Malabrigo silky!
How about Tiny Dancer? I also like Heidi's suggestion of toe pick! That movie is just such a classic!
Pavlova, like the famous ballerina.
or Spring Onions. i don't know why, it just popped into my head when i first saw it...or, in case some people don't relish (ha, relish, i made a funny) the idea of being wrapped in onions, maybe Sweet Pea. Somebody suggested Bohemian Rhapsody, and i really like that. great song to think of every time you put it around your shoulders. Freddie Mercury would be thrilled. my husband gas been cleaning the house for the past couple of days. he's driving me insane. how about death's head moth ? i'm about to go all hannibal lechter on him if he doesn't quit soon.
Instead of the skating techniques I went the route of famous ice skaters like "Biellmann," (the motif reminded me of the shape that Denise Biellman's leg created with her famous spin), "Oksana," and then of course my favorite ice dancers "Torvill & Dean" (it's feminine and masculine...especially with the bobbles).
Thought that everyone could use a chuckle...Hubby also wanted to put in his 2 cents worth and he's the jokester in the family so his are "Sasha Stitch,", "Scarfy Hamilton," and "Yamaguchi Yarn."
fleur de lis
gentle moonstone
moonlight stroll
how about adagio?
heres the definition:
Adagio skating, a form of pair skating most commonly seen in ice shows, where the skaters perform many spectacular acrobatic lifts but few or none of the singles elements which competitive pairs must perform.
just think its appropriate since even though one repeat of the pattern is beautiful, its the multiple repeats that make it spectacular, =)
For me, the design looks like Melting Snow.
Let me try it too. To me it looks like Tulips, hence
Tulips In Winter or
Icy Tulips :-)
Nice design - as usual.
How about Icy Morning . . . it's looks as cozy as a good book with a morning fire in the fireplace, but as cool and soft as new snow on the ground. Gorgeous!
rhapsody in blue
Jazzed up made me think of Pearls around the neck, I suggest Blue Pearls
garden gate
queen of spades
marielulu on ravelry
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