"Do today's duty, fight today's temptation; do not weaken and distract yourself by looking forward to things you cannot see, and could not understand if you saw them."
-Charles Kingsley
-Charles Kingsley
I'm trying...
But there are just so many delightful options...
Easy breezy colorful Festivus
Mosaic knitting with the ever-unfolding color changes of Kureyon Sock
But I just can't help myself.
They call to me...
They haunt my dreams...
They beg me to take them out of the basket and knit...
Just one more row...
Yeah, right!
OK, time to get tough. Time to put the blinders on and get down to serious Garden Variety business. After all, June is nearly gone and collectors are waiting for the roses to bloom.
If I knuckle down, pattern should be available early next week.
If I can ignore the temptation...
If I can block out their pleas...
If I can...OOH. LOOK. SHINY!!!!
I'm doomed.
Startitis! I have it too. And the thing is that I'm loving my projects on the needles. so why do we need to start another one? An existential question if I ever heard one.
So many beautiful patterns to knit, so many beautiful yarns to knit with. What a wonderful, bountiful time to be alive. Even though I am looking forward to the next Garden project, your other projects are so beautiful I want to make them too. Sometimes you just have to say to heck with deadlines and go with what is moving you. (What a bad person I am enabling your procrastination ;-).
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