Now, I cannot tell you whether or not this apocryphal story is true. What I can tell you is...
I can identify.
If you looked at my output for the holiday weekend, it would seem rather paltry.
A couple of Jolly Green swatches
The ball of yarn in particular could be deemed a failure, since it wound up much the same as it began back last Wednesday before the holiday. It might be said that there was little significant progress made on Morocco. It could even be said there was NO progress. And I wouldn't argue with the facts.
I would, however, argue with the interpretation.
Because this unassuming ball of yarn worked hard all weekend long. It was provisionally cast on for the center back part of the shawl design. Five rows of garter ensued, then the moment of truth came - when the first r
to more stitches than I needed. I forgot that the edging INCREASES to 12 stitches, but begins with 10.
Again the cast on, and the garter segment and still was two stitches over. Couldn't figure out where I had gone wrong. Finally counted the stitches on the chart to discover that, due to yarn overs and knit 2 togethers and the like, the edging began with 9 stitches (which took up 10 spaces on the graph.)
Third time's the charm, right?
Fourth time, I ditched the provisional cast on because if I had to do the friggin' thing one more time,I was going to take a shotgun and blow holes in the darn thing.
Fourth time, I got through the first pattern repeat, loved how the beading was coming together, and all was well with the universe.
I looked at the
I remembered I didn't use a provisional cast on.
I went to dinner with my husband who wisely refrained from asking, "So, how did your day go, dear?"
Then light dawned! Knit it from the edges in! Then the onion domes would be right side up and I could graft the center portion of the shawl together, thereby providing a true mirror image Persian lace segment and eliminating the annoying provisional cast on. I might even be able to do a three needle bind off and eliminate the grafting all together.
I could hardly wait to get home. I turned on White Christmas on ABC family and settled down to my work. Cast on, worked two rows of beaded fringe edging and realize that 1000 beads only took me about one foot into the width of the shawl.
I ripped out (AGAIN) and went to bed.
Yesterday, I decided to use a shorter fringe and put two stitches between each instead of only one. That way I'd have enough beads to finish the border and start the main part of the shawl.
Except for the fact that I now didn't have enough beads on the yarn to complete half the shawl.
So I could break the yarn, add the new beads, and weave the ends in. No one would know but me.
And this time I had enough beads...
to make it MOST of the way across the fringed border.
But I didn't fail.
Oh no!
I just discovered 100 ways NOT to knit a shawl.
You are so committed to a good outcome. All that starting over and over and over is why I don't design. I love what you've got so far!
Oh dear! It's so frustrating to work that hard only to have to rip. If it's any consolation, what you have done is stunning!
I dyed up another colorway this weekend after polling all of my Thanksgiving guests about Morroco and color.....I think you will like the colorway that I came up with for a second choice :-)
Wow. That is persistence. And love, most definitely.
Momma said there'd be days like this....
and why should I be the only one to have them?? :D
I feel your pain. I spent two or three hours working on a sweater last night and am not a single stitch further for it. Ah well, I'm sure we've learned from this, I'm sure. Positive. It'll just take a while to figure out what. :P
I admire your persistence - the final result is sure to be spectacular!
If at first you don't succeed .... or should I say if at first you successfully obtain a different result to the one you were trying to obtain! :). The little glimpses look beautiful though and I'm looking forward to seeing more then just a peek.
Failure may not be an option, but would it hurt Success to come a little sooner? Just kidding, my friend. Rest assured, your name is Susan, not Sisyphus, and you efforts will definitely pay off!
I am admiring your stick-to-it-iveness. You have some stubborn Yankee blood in there somewhere?
Tenacity thy name is Susan... You are one determined knitter!!!
I am so glad that all your efforts finally paid off & you have a beautiful piece of work - I really do admire your determination!
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