All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by frost.

Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by frost.

Announcing the Evenstar Mystery Shawl from Sunflower Designs
Big Excitement around the Sunflower Farm. I am going to kick off the new decade with my first mystery shawl project!
The lace shawl will be a full sized round one (again a first) inspired by Arwen's Evenstar from Lord of the Rings. Shawl will take 1700 yards of laceweight, and require an intermediate level of skill; no expertise required, just patience. Written & charted directions.
I am doing mine in Blue Moon Fiber Arts Silk Thread II in Winter Solstice. There will be optional beading on the outside edge of the piece.I don't have a bead count yet. I'll have to get back to you on that asap...
Sign ups begin today and run through Friday February 5th. Cost is $8. First clue will come out one week later on the 12th, just in time for the Ravelympics. Subsequent clues will come out every other Friday throughout February, March & April. By May you will have a stunning shawl, perfect for any and all summer events.
But that's not all...
This shawl will kick off a new series. I know you have all enjoyed the Garden Variety Collection, but I need a little break from it. There may well be more coming down the pike in the future, but for now, I am turning my creativity in a new direction.
Evenstar will serve as the first project in an entire Lord of the Rings Collection. I am still finalizing plans, but pieces will definitely include a Ringwraith stole in Blue Moon's Raven Clan colors, a Samwise Gamgee neckwarmer and mittens (he''s my favorite Hobbit), a beaded mithril vest, and a woodland piece inspired by the Shire. a sixth [pattern is yet to be determined.
The six additional patterns in the collection will come out every other month and be available both individually or as a subscription (at a discounted price).
I will close out the project with another circular mystery shawl, based on (what else) the One ring to rule them all.
There will be a KAL on Rav, as well as a Yahoo group. And if you want the very latest scoop on the entire LOTR project (spoiler alert) you can follow along with my progress on Plurk
I am so excited about this project. I hope you will all sign up and tell your friends. There will be pattern giveaways throughout the project.
sings "And we'll have fun, fun, fun till Gandalf takes the palantir away!"
I am sure this will be a nice collection to have. wonder what precious would look like
oh, can't wait!!
Your last sentence made me laugh out loud at work. :) I've never attempted a KAL, or a shawl before - but I may have to give it a shot.
I love it! I'm such a LOTR geek. I can't wait to see your designs. :-)
Can you please put this up for purchase via Ravelry? It keeps things organized.
I am really up for a shawl kal but I have to get killed in the sock wars first! But I'm sure I'll be out in the first round (I am a slow knitter).
Just purchased the upcoming pattern. Seems like a fitting tribute to Lord of the Rings.
Reply to Mezzo Diva: can't put a pattern up for sale on Ravelry without a finished pattern PDF, which obviously would nmegate the mystery aspect
Will you be selling the 6 patterns as a set? Like the garden series? These sound really fun and beautiful too.
yes - the evenstar & ring mystery shawls will be seperate. will do sign ups for other patterns in March.
Count me in! The LOTR fans in my house are all excited. Since two of them are male, they hope that the mithril vest will be unisex.
This seems a fitting follow-on to Taliesin.
Actually, Susan, SheKnits sells mystery KALs on Ravelry so there must be a way.
Hmmmm - anybody have the answer? I suppose I could upload a blank pdf with a notice about the rules. Maybe I'll see if that gets the Ravelry police after me.
This sounds awesome!! Count me in.
~~Dances around the room to Susan's singing~~
Just put in my order for this KAL.
In regards to the Ravelry mystery KAL's, the way SheKnits did it was to place each clue in a PDF and upload. Then we would get notification when a new clue was there. I think Casey had to set something up, to deal with multiple files per pattern and the email notifications. But it ended up working out well.
Off to locate yarn.
Since this is LOTR themed I think my hubby will actually encourage the purchase of yarn =) yippeeee!!!!!
I cannot find the words for how excited I am!!!! I love your work, I am an avid LOTR fan, and of course, to bring it all together in knitting is just awesome! Count me in! I find it interesting that you have chosen to do a ringwraith item, and a vest, along with the neckwarmer and mittens. I just got a gift cert. for some yarn... how perfect!
I'm so excited about this! I'm just about to finish my PhD on LOTR and The Silmarillion, and this collection is going to just cap off my Tolkien year completely!
Will you be doing a prepaid package of the lot before you go, or afterwards?
Once again, I am in awe of your creativity and prolificness! (not a word, I know) - um prolificity??
What a superb theme too, I can't wait to see these patterns evolve.
Wonderful idea, thank you for your generosity and creativity, and congratulations..
Pattern ordered, on the lookout for yarn. I know it is going to be a stunning shawl!
Susan, I am signed up and I am going to the yarn shop this morning. I don't have enough laceweight of one color that is enough for this project. I remember fondling a laceweight called "fog" when I was there.. now I have a reason to buy it.
QUESTION; What size needles do I need?
The evenstar takes size 3 needles
OOOOOOOOOOK, as I sort of helped the idea along I'm in. Well I have to be anyway as a LOTR fan. Sooo 1st up, I've never participated in a KAL or a Mystery project, 2nd I've so much on my needles and may not get it cleared and 3rd I've just had my offer accepted on a house and will be moving Marchish. So tell me where I'm going to fit it in, but I'm not going to miss out and I'm going to try in amongst the sorting and packing, etc. AND I have the most beautiful yarn for this already, bought last month, 2000 metres of Silk Lace from Hedgehog Fibres in a colour called Copper Penny and some new needles - signature stilletoes - to try out. So I'm in folks for all of them.
Grmpf, I think I hate you! What a wonderful horrible idea. ;-)
I love this book, it's my all time favorite and it's the only book of the many I have, I red till the first time nearly 25 years ago nearly once a year. And as I like the films, too, there is no way out.
I just send you the money. And I think, I will order this collection completly when it comes out.
Best regards,
have a nice weekend
I am thinking about joining since I love things circular. Is this suitable for a variegated yarn and/or laceweight alpaca?
tone would probably work best & alpaca should be good
I'm really excited about this because Arwen is one of my favorite characters. However, could you please expand more on "require an intermediate level of skill; no expertise required, just patience"? I've done some lace work, but not much. Will I be in over my head? I have a LYS I can get assistance or private lessons from if I get stuck, but I'm a little concerned. Thank you. :)
Diana: I think you will be fine: pattern calls for right & left leaning decreases, centered decreases, yarnovers, & knitting through back loop
Thanks so much! Signing up. :)
Oh my, I am a huge LOTR fan, I own all three movies and they are my absolute favorites of all time! I love the Evenstar, and Arwen, so HAVE to do this shawl! Just signed up for it, now to search for the perfect yarn! I'm so excited about this!
Just signed up . . .
Now I have to wait *sigh*
I just signed up because this is a KAL I cannot resist. I'm a huge fan of LOTR and this will be my 1st shawl project. I'm so excited and will probably sign up for the whole collection as well!
I just signed up. I can't wait! I love lace knitting and this will be my first mystery shawl. Hooray for you!
Susan, I want to give you a great big hug! This is outrageously exciting.
Please, no one make fun of me when I ask: What length needles would one use for a circular shawl? I've never done a large project before (the "patience" requirement will be the hardest one for me), so I've no idea.
Susan, you know you've come up with a winner when the lady who won't knit anything larger than a yarn tote signs on for a massive laceweight task!
Natalie K.
you will want size 3 circular needles in a variety of lengths & double points. A circular shawl grows in size from the center out, so you cast on with double points, then switch stitches to circular as it grows. How many times you switch is up to you, but you'll want at least 2 different lengths, probably 3 or 4. If you have a set with tips & cables, you can just switch out the cables.
Marvelous! Thank you, Susan!
Natalie - It's my first big project too! :)
I'm so excited about this. I can't get it out of my head!
Hi Susan I would like to sign up and join you.
How can I do it, through ravelry?
Second question when you say needles size 3 is it US size? (I am french)
Hello... yarn color recommendations?? If it's green, I'm good, otherwise I need run to a knitting store! Thank you!
color is a matter of personal preference. I am usings a silvery color, but some are using blue & lavendar. One is using a woodland green. I think they all will be lovely! The board on Ravelry has lots of great ideas!
I'm in! I've had a cone of cashmere sitting here waiting to be a circular shawl! Does this constitute signing up?
i just figuredout who you are onplurk.
gimme a little time, i want in on t his one, but right now i'm broke.
Question for you. I have the perfect yarn, but the yardage is about 500 yds short, so I was wondering if the pattern would be easy to halve so it would be a semicircle instead? Is every other row an all knit row, so I can just purl to keep the pattern right? Or will I have to figure out the opposite stitch. Or is the pattern really only right as a circular shawl?
Ok, more than one question. Thanks!
I love circular shawls and can't resist an LOTR one, so I'm in! Just ordered some silk yarn in a lovely "Jade" (pale green) color. Can't wait!!
Oh my! See what changes occur in the forest.
Been away for a while and I come back to this!? Off to sign up1!!
Must use stash yarn as this is the year of semi-busting. Must use stash yarn first!
I'm a little late to this, but am totally geeked out about it. I have to look into this. Am in a LOTR sock club and can now have a LOTR shawl as well as other items??? How cool will I be then?
Okay, stupid question. I sent you my payment with paypal, but I don't see a download link, or a password to join a group to get the swatch instructions -- do I just wait?
I have the same question as Elizabeth, I sent payment and don't see a download link - how do I get swatch instructions?
I am batching orders & sending out acknowledgments and swatch directions daily. If you do not want o wait that long , the swatch directions are available as a free download on Ravelry
OK, I'm in. Just in the nick of time. This will be my first mystery shawl KAL so I'm new as to how this all works but all the comments have been helpful. I am a big LOFTR fan and I'm very excited about this KAL.
Susan, will the two shawls be available after the mystery KAL as seperate patterns?
I am unemployed right now, so the yarn/pattern diet is is full swing.
Evenstar Pattern will be available in June as a stand alone pattern
I signed up this weekend to get the pattern to start the kal. but I did not get a notification...Did you get my information (Deanna)
Not sure if you were aware, but Seasons of Lace (http://seasonsoflace) also has an Evenstar KAL planned. Some are playing on the Ravelry group, some are playing on the blog, and some are doing both.
Sounds like you'll have quite a few projects in play!
Can't wait to get my first clue
I'm totally stoked!!!!! This is my first KAL and will probably be my first finished lace project. I've been hearing about you from Lime & Violet forever now and am completely excited about finally getting to participate :D
I have signed up on the Ravelry group, paid thru paypall for my pattern. I haven't received any email with any information, was I supposed to do something else to get the any information about swatching or anything.
Sharon in Va
Well, I didn't see this in time, so I guess I just get to watch from the sidelines. Hope y'all have fun!
Wait... nevermind. The post above this says signups will run through Feb 19th. It's still the 14th... so I'm gonna pay and hope. LOL
Hi, I just joined! I can't wait to get the first clue 8)
If you order via the cite is their a way to add the patern to your ravelry library? So amped to get started
I found this beautiful mystery shawl too late, so I cannot sign up anymore. But will the pattern be for sale here after the KAL has ended?
The Netherlands
Hello Susan
The two years I bought the pattern Evenstar directly from your site. You can link to my library in Ravelry?
Thanks e sorry to disturb
This is such a gorgeous pattern and so well described and well thought out that I am truly impressed! I just finished mine for a friend's wedding. My only issue is (this was my first big lace project) that I wish the directions said to wait until after blocking before cutting threads.. I ended up having to mend three gaping holes which was heartbreaking.
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