women of a certain age are like sunflowers; they know how to turn their faces to the sun.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Keep it simple

"Simplicity is nature's first step, and the last of art."
-Philip James Bailey

Think of it as a very LARGE swatch...

I used a yarnover/SSK pattern with a zigzag built in.

Wanted to keep the pattern simple so it doesn't overwhelm the color change.

Wanted it to have strong enough lines that the yarn didn't obscure the pattern.

We'll see how it looks once it is off the blocking board...

Mendhi comes out next week, and Rose the week after.

Busy,busy, busy...



Amber said...

Ooooooooh, this is really lovely! I've had you on my RSS feeds in my mail prog for a while, I don't think I've commented before, and I do love your designs but as a very poor gal I haven't looked at one and said "MUST HAVE", but omg... MUST HAVE THIS ONE.

Maybe it's the colour changes of the yarn, but it's perfect and lovely and I totally dig on it!

Chery said...

I like this swatch. Yesterday's pic doesn't let the pattern show up. Glad you did more color progressions.

denise said...

I appreciate your hard work and taent - am looking forward to your next two releases!