Hard to tell from this picture, but that's eight pounds of furry lap blanket.
Warm, furry lap blanket.
Hot, furry lap blanket.
Hot, furry lap blanket with attitude.
Did I mention the temperature outside today? Ninety degrees - in the shade. That makes the temperature inside my studio eighty degrees give or take. While the windows and skylights let in scads of wonderful natural light, they also let in scads of greenhouse heating. And I am not a hothouse flower.
Did I mention that the furry lap blanket was hot?
Of course, the blanket's view isn't much better.
I know we have limited control over our environment, but I swear, when I was little and people asked me, "What do you want to be when you grow up, little girl?" kitty barcalounger was not on the list.
OK, time for some eye candy. After all, it IS Friday.
Pretty, no?
She is three rows from completion. So what am I doing here with you folks? Why aren't I finishing what I started? Because I feel an obligation to you, gentle readers (all seven of you.) I promised to write daily - I write daily. Except for Sunday, because that's the day of rest. Hey! If it's good enough for God, it's good enough for me.
I know Mothy looks like a crumpled mess right now, but she'll look a lot better after her bath and some therapeutic stretching. Will try to get pics up tomorrow, Monday at the latest.
Uh oh! I think he's insulted. He's giving me the cold
Hell hath no fury like a cat scorned.
Stop it! How do you know you only have 7 readers. Probably many more than that. No worries, even it was just for you, your posts are funny and well-written.
As for the kitty barcalounger, I know what you mean. Personally, I'm a kitty head and footrest.
Pippin looks so sweet! My cats tend to ignore me as furniture. *sigh* I do believe I'm jealous.
I admire your courage in posting that picture. I'm too timid to even post a decent picture of me. Maybe you'll have inspired me to do something about that.
My cats will not sit still on me. I am not sorry about this in the summer. I miss it in the cold weather. They are all nice and lovey dovey until they get what they want and then they leave. Unless I am sick at which point they will take up all of the bed space and keep me company all day. They love my knitting so much so that they "help" me knit. "here, let me chase that ball of yarn for you". God made cats cute for a reason....
oh my god that's a scream. I've put some less than glamorous photos up but you get the prize for the 'bravest' self portrait! Good on you!
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